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Vorige Art/previous species (Left arrowball from Animation City 1991)     Limodorum brulloi  BARTOLO & PULV.     Nächste Art/next species (Left arrowball from Animation City 1991)

Fam.:  Orchidaceae \ Orchideen / Orchid Family

Gattung / Genus:  Limodorum  BOEHM.

Autoren / Authors:
   BARTOLO:  Giuseppina Bartolo (1948 - ), italienische Botanikerin / Italian botanist
   PULV.:  Santa Pulvirenti (1954 - ), italienische Botanikerin auf Sizilien / Italian botanist in Sicily
   BOEHM.:  Georg Rudolf Boehmer (1723 - 1803), deutscher Arzt + Botaniker / German physician + botanist

Etymologie / Etymology:
   Limodorum:   laimodoron = griechischer Name einer Schmarotzerpflanze / laimodoron = Greek name of a parasitic plant
   brulloi:   Salvatore Brullo (1947 - ), italienischer Botaniker in Catania / Italian botanist in Catania (BRULLO)

Limodorum brulloi \ Brullos Dingel / Brullo's Limodore, I  Kalabrien/Calabria Aspromonte, Gambarie 9.7.2000 (Photo: Helmut Presser)
Fig. 1:  Limodorum brulloi \ Brullos Dingel / Brullo's Limodore
I Kalabrien/Calabria Aspromonte, Gambarie 9.7.2000
(Photo: Helmut Presser)
Limodorum brulloi \ Brullos Dingel / Brullo's Limodore, I  Kalabrien/Calabria Aspromonte, Gambarie 9.7.2000 (Photo: Helmut Presser)
Fig. 2:  Limodorum brulloi \ Brullos Dingel / Brullo's Limodore
I Kalabrien/Calabria Aspromonte, Gambarie 9.7.2000
(Photo: Helmut Presser)
Limodorum brulloi \ Brullos Dingel / Brullo's Limodore, I  Kalabrien/Calabria Aspromonte, Gambarie 9.7.2000 (Photo: Helmut Presser)
Fig. 3:  Limodorum brulloi \ Brullos Dingel / Brullo's Limodore
I Kalabrien/Calabria Aspromonte, Gambarie 9.7.2000
(Photo: Helmut Presser)
Limodorum brulloi \ Brullos Dingel / Brullo's Limodore, I  Kalabrien/Calabria Aspromonte, Gambarie 9.7.2000 (Photo: Helmut Presser)
Fig. 4:  Limodorum brulloi \ Brullos Dingel / Brullo's Limodore
I Kalabrien/Calabria Aspromonte, Gambarie 9.7.2000
(Photo: Helmut Presser)
Limodorum brulloi \ Brullos Dingel / Brullo's Limodore, I  Kalabrien/Calabria Aspromonte, Gambarie 9.7.2000 (Photo: Helmut Presser)
Fig. 5:  Limodorum brulloi \ Brullos Dingel / Brullo's Limodore
I Kalabrien/Calabria Aspromonte, Gambarie 9.7.2000
(Photo: Helmut Presser)
Limodorum brulloi \ Brullos Dingel / Brullo's Limodore, I  Kalabrien/Calabria Aspromonte, Gambarie 9.7.2000 (Photo: Helmut Presser)
Fig. 6:  Limodorum brulloi \ Brullos Dingel / Brullo's Limodore
I Kalabrien/Calabria Aspromonte, Gambarie 9.7.2000
(Photo: Helmut Presser)
Limodorum brulloi \ Brullos Dingel / Brullo's Limodore, I  Kalabrien/Calabria Aspromonte 5.6.2002
Fig. 7:  Limodorum brulloi \ Brullos Dingel / Brullo's Limodore
I Kalabrien/Calabria Aspromonte 5.6.2002

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