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    Noccaea alpestris  (JACQ.) KERGUELEN    

Fam.: Brassicaceae / Crucifers  

Synon.:  Thlaspi kerneri  HUTER,  Thlaspi minimum  ARD.

Genus:  Noccaea  MOENCH,  Thlaspi  L.

   JACQ.:  Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin (1727 - 1817), Austrian chemist and botanist
   KERGUELEN:  Michel François-Jacques Kerguélen (1928 - 1999), French botanist from Brittany
   HUTER:  Rupert Huter (1834 - 1919), Austrian priest and botanist
   ARD.:  Pietro Arduino (1728 - 1805), Italian botanist
   MOENCH:  Conrad Moench (1744 - 1805), chemist and botanist from Marburg (Germany)
   L.:  Carl von Linné (Linnaeus, 1707 - 1777), Swedish naturalist who introduced the binary naming system for plants and animals

   Noccaea:   Domenico Nocca (1758 - 1841), Italian botanist (NOCCA)
   alpestris:   from the Alps
   Thlaspi:   Greek and Roman plant name, from thla-ein = crushing (shape of fruit)
   kerneri:   Anton Ritter Kerner von Marilaun (1831 - 1898), Austrian botanist (A. KERN. , A. KERNER)
   minimum:   the smallest

Under the name Noccaea alpestris this species has been separated from genus Thlaspi not very long ago, together with some closer related species. Formerly the name of the species was Thlaspi alpestre, exactly Thlaspi alpestre JAQU., non L.. The species is spread in the mountains of Southern Carinthia and adjoining Slowenia.
There is another species with the name Thlaspi alpestre from another author, exactly Thlaspi alpestre L., non JAQU., which is a synonyme of Noccaea caerulescens.


Noccaea alpestris / Alpine Penny-Cress, A Carinthia, Hochobir 19.5.2016
Fig. 1:  Noccaea alpestris / Alpine Penny-Cress
A Carinthia, Hochobir 19.5.2016
Noccaea alpestris / Alpine Penny-Cress, A Carinthia, Hochobir 19.5.2016
Fig. 2:  Noccaea alpestris / Alpine Penny-Cress
A Carinthia, Hochobir 19.5.2016
Noccaea alpestris / Alpine Penny-Cress, A Carinthia, Hochobir 19.5.2016
Fig. 3:  Noccaea alpestris / Alpine Penny-Cress
A Carinthia, Hochobir 19.5.2016
Noccaea alpestris / Alpine Penny-Cress, A Carinthia, Hochobir 19.5.2016
Fig. 4:  Noccaea alpestris / Alpine Penny-Cress
A Carinthia, Hochobir 19.5.2016
Noccaea alpestris / Alpine Penny-Cress, A Carinthia, Hochobir 19.5.2016
Fig. 5:  Noccaea alpestris / Alpine Penny-Cress
A Carinthia, Hochobir 19.5.2016
Noccaea alpestris / Alpine Penny-Cress, A Carinthia, Hochobir 19.5.2016
Fig. 6:  Noccaea alpestris / Alpine Penny-Cress
A Carinthia, Hochobir 19.5.2016
Noccaea alpestris / Alpine Penny-Cress, A Carinthia, Hochobir 19.5.2016
Fig. 7:  Noccaea alpestris / Alpine Penny-Cress
A Carinthia, Hochobir 19.5.2016
Noccaea alpestris / Alpine Penny-Cress, A Carinthia, Hochobir 19.5.2016
Fig. 8:  Noccaea alpestris / Alpine Penny-Cress
A Carinthia, Hochobir 19.5.2016
Noccaea alpestris / Alpine Penny-Cress, A Carinthia, Petzen 2.7.2010
Fig. 9:  Noccaea alpestris / Alpine Penny-Cress
A Carinthia, Petzen 2.7.2010


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