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Photos of European Orchids with Deformations

Preview pict.Species, Subspecies, Variety, Forma Section Deformation
Anacamptis pyramidalis deformation /
Pyramidal Orchid
Anacamptis triple blossoms
Anacamptis pyramidalis deformation /
Pyramidal Orchid
Anacamptis taken by a fungus?
Anacamptis pyramidalis deformation /
Pyramidal Orchid
Anacamptis Peloria
Dactylorhiza alpestris /
Alpine Marsh Orchid
Latifoliae Deformation
Epipactis greuteri /
Greuter's Helleborine
Helleborinae deformed flower
Gymnadenia conopsea s.l. /
Common Fragrant Orchid
- with genetic defect
Gymnadenia conopsea s.l. /
Common Fragrant Orchid
- with Arctiidae caterpillar
Gymnadenia conopsea s.l. /
Common Fragrant Orchid
- branched inflorescence
Gymnadenia conopsea s.l. /
Common Fragrant Orchid
- color chimaera
Gymnadenia odoratissima deformation /
Short-spurred Fragrant Orchid
- peloria
Ophrys araneola deformation /
Small Spider Orchid
Araneiferae genetic defect
Ophrys argentaria deformation /
Monte Argentario Orchid
Araneiferae peloria, radial symmetrical blossom
Ophrys exaltata subsp. arachnitiformis deformation /
False Spider Orchid
Araneiferae 3 columns, deformation due to vineyard chemicals?
Ophrys garganica subsp. passionis /
Passion Bee Orchid
Araneiferae partial atavism
Ophrys holoserica deformation /
Late Spider Orchid
Fuciflorae partial alteration of the labellum into a petal
Ophrys holoserica deformation /
Late Spider Orchid
Fuciflorae twin blossom
Ophrys holoserica deformation /
Late Spider Orchid
Fuciflorae peloric, radial symmetrical blossom like the lilies
Ophrys neglecta deformation /
Italian Sawfly Orchid
Tenthrediniferae -
Ophrys sphegodes /
Early Spider Orchid
Araneiferae twin blossom
Ophrys sphegodes /
Early Spider Orchid
Araneiferae triple blossom
Orchis mascula deformation /
Early Purple Orchid
Masculae triple blossoms
Platanthera bifolia deformation /
Lesser Butterfly Orchid
- Peloria
Platanthera bifolia deformation /
Lesser Butterfly Orchid
- partial twin blossom
Platanthera chlorantha deformation /
Greater Butterfly Orchid
- peloria


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