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Photos of European Plants (APG Fam., alphab. sorted):
Papaveraceae / Poppy Family

This Family acc. to Relationship
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Argemone mexicana / Mexican Prickly Poppy Pal
Ceratocapnos claviculata / Climbing Corydalis D
Chelidonium majus / Greater Celandine D F
Corydalis / Corydalis (9 Taxa + 2 Syn.) A D F GR HR I S Sam
Dicentra / Corn (2 Taxa) D
Eschscholzia californica / California Poppy D Ten
Fumaria / Fumitory (12 Taxa + 1 Syn.) Chi D F GR HR I Kre Les Mal Rho Sam
Glaucium / Horned Poppy (2 Taxa) Chi Cor D F GR Kre Les NL Rho
Hypecoum / Hypecoum (3 Taxa) Chi Cor GR Les Rho Sam
Macleaya cordata / Plume Poppy D
Meconopsis cambrica / Welsh Poppy D E F
Oreomecon / Poppy (2 Syn.) A F
Papaver / Poppy (20 Taxa + 10 Syn.) A Chi Cor D E F GR I Kre Les Mal Rho S SLO Sam
Platycapnos spicatus / Spiked Platycapnos F
Pseudofumaria / Corydalis (2 Syn.) D F GR HR S
Roemeria / Poppy (3 Syn.) D GR Kre Les Mal
Sarcocapnos enneaphylla / Nine-Leaved Sarcocapnos E F

This Family acc. to Relationship
For combined criteria out of Family, Flower Anatomy, Color, and Leaf Form see here.


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