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Schist shard fields in the Gladenbach hills
The hills around Gladenbach are located southwest of Marburg in Central Hesse, Germany. In parts of the Gladenbach hills the soil of the grain fields consists of argillaceous schist. At the edges of these fields, where the covering with grain is often below 5%, there is still room for the field herbs which have become rare. The photos have been taken at fields near Bad Endbach - Schlierbach and Dautphetal - Herzhausen, the sites have been taken out of publications of BVNH (Botanische Vereinigung für Naturschutz in Hessen, which means botanical association for protection of nature in Hesse). The cultivation of those fields has to be and stay traditionally, because already a single fertilization with slurry could cease the botanical magnificence.
Bad Endbach - Schlierbach, August 2014: field with Tripleurospermum perforatum, Sonchus arvensis, Vicia villosa, etc.
Scleranthus annuus, Annual Knawel
Scleranthus annuus / Annual Knawel
Caryophyllaceae / Campion Fam.
Trifolium arvense, Hare's-Foot Clover
Trifolium arvense / Hare's-Foot Clover
Fabaceae / Legumes
Aphanes arvensis, Field Parsley Piert
Aphanes arvensis / Field Parsley Piert
Rosaceae / Rose Fam.
Spergula arvensis, Corn Spurrey
Spergula arvensis / Corn Spurrey
Caryophyllaceae / Campion Fam.
Veronica arvensis, Wall Speedwell
Veronica arvensis / Wall Speedwell
Scrophulariaceae / Figwort Fam.
Veronica persica, Common Field Speedwell
Veronica persica / Common Field Speedwell
Scrophulariaceae / Figwort Fam.
Rumex acetosella, Sheep's Sorrel
Rumex acetosella / Sheep's Sorrel
Polygonaceae / Knotweed Fam.
Euphorbia exigua, Dwarf Spurge
Euphorbia exigua / Dwarf Spurge
Euphorbiaceae / Spurge Fam.
Euphorbia helioscopia, Sun Spurge
Euphorbia helioscopia / Sun Spurge
Euphorbiaceae / Spurge Fam.
Tripleurospermum perforatum, Scentless Mayweed
Tripleurospermum perforatum / Scentless Mayweed
Asteraceae / Composite Fam.
Centaurea cyanus, Cornflower
Centaurea cyanus / Cornflower
Asteraceae / Composite Fam.
Papaver rhoeas, Common Poppy
Papaver rhoeas / Common Poppy
Papaveraceae / Poppy Fam.
Vicia villosa, Hairy Vetch
Vicia villosa / Hairy Vetch
Fabaceae / Legumes
Vicia hirsuta, Hairy Tare
Vicia hirsuta / Hairy Tare
Fabaceae / Legumes
Vicia angustifolia, Narrow-Leaved Vetch
Vicia angustifolia / Narrow-Leaved Vetch
Fabaceae / Legumes
Chaenorhinum minus, Small Toadflax
Chaenorhinum minus / Small Toadflax
Scrophulariaceae / Figwort Fam.
Misopates orontium, Weasel's-Snout, Lesser Snapdragon
Misopates orontium / Weasel's-Snout, Lesser Snapdragon
Scrophulariaceae / Figwort Fam.
Linaria vulgaris, Common Toadflax
Linaria vulgaris / Common Toadflax
Scrophulariaceae / Figwort Fam.
Galeopsis ladanum, Broad-Leaved Hemp-Nettle, Red Hemp-Nettle
Galeopsis ladanum / Broad-Leaved Hemp-Nettle, Red Hemp-Nettle
Lamiaceae / Mint Fam.
Galeopsis segetum, Downy Hemp-Nettle
Galeopsis segetum / Downy Hemp-Nettle
Lamiaceae / Mint Fam.
Stachys arvensis, Field Woundwort
Stachys arvensis / Field Woundwort
Lamiaceae / Mint Fam.
Sonchus arvensis, Perennial Sow-Thistle, Common Field Sow-Thistle
Sonchus arvensis / Perennial Sow-Thistle, Common Field Sow-Thistle
Asteraceae / Composite Fam.
Myosotis arvensis, Field Forget-me-not
Myosotis arvensis / Field Forget-me-not
Boraginaceae / Borrage Fam.
Sherardia arvensis, Field Madder
Sherardia arvensis / Field Madder
Rubiaceae / Bedstraw Fam.
Lysimachia arvensis, Scarlet Pimpernel, Poisonweed
Lysimachia arvensis / Scarlet Pimpernel, Poisonweed
Primulaceae / Primrose Fam.
Viola arvensis, Field Pansy
Viola arvensis / Field Pansy
Violaceae / Violet Fam.
Lycopsis arvensis subsp. arvensis, Bugloss
Lycopsis arvensis subsp. arvensis / Bugloss
Boraginaceae / Borrage Fam.
Convolvulus arvensis, Field Bindweed
Convolvulus arvensis / Field Bindweed
Convolvulaceae / Bindweed Fam.
Fallopia convolvulus, Black Bindweed
Fallopia convolvulus / Black Bindweed
Polygonaceae / Knotweed Fam.
Ononis spinosa subsp. antiquorum, Thorny Restharrow, Prickly Restharrow
Ononis spinosa subsp. antiquorum / Thorny Restharrow, Prickly Restharrow
Fabaceae / Legumes
Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. landra, Mediterranean Radish
Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. landra / Mediterranean Radish
Brassicaceae / Crucifers
Anthemis arvensis, Corn Chamomile
Anthemis arvensis / Corn Chamomile
Asteraceae / Composite Fam.
Gnaphalium uliginosum, Marsh Cudweed
Gnaphalium uliginosum / Marsh Cudweed
Asteraceae / Composite Fam.
Lotus corniculatus, Bird's-Foot Deervetch
Lotus corniculatus / Bird's-Foot Deervetch
Fabaceae / Legumes
Ranunculus repens, Creeping Buttercup
Ranunculus repens / Creeping Buttercup
Ranunculaceae / Buttercup Fam.
Aethusa cynapium, Fool's Parsley
Aethusa cynapium / Fool's Parsley
Apiaceae / Umbellifers
Valerianella dentata, Narrowfruit Corn Salad
Valerianella dentata / Narrowfruit Corn Salad
Valerianaceae / Valerian Fam.

Persicaria maculosa, Redshank
Persicaria maculosa / Redshank
Polygonaceae / Knotweed Fam.

Galeopsis tetrahit, Common Hemp-Nettle
Galeopsis tetrahit / Common Hemp-Nettle
Lamiaceae / Mint Fam.

Oxalis stricta, Upright Oxalis
Oxalis stricta / Upright Oxalis
Oxalidaceae / Wood-Sorrel Fam.
Capsella bursa-pastoris, Shepherd's Purse
Capsella bursa-pastoris / Shepherd's Purse
Brassicaceae / Crucifers
Lapsana communis subsp. communis, Nipplewort
Lapsana communis subsp. communis / Nipplewort
Asteraceae / Composite Fam.
Thlaspi arvense, Field Penny-Cress
Thlaspi arvense / Field Penny-Cress
Brassicaceae / Crucifers
Bromus hordeaceus agg., Soft Brome
Bromus hordeaceus agg. / Soft Brome
Poaceae / Grass Fam.

Linaria arvensis, Corn Toadflax
Linaria arvensis / Corn Toadflax
Scrophulariaceae / Figwort Fam.





Even the extremely rare Corn Toadflax Linaria arvensis and the Broadsepal Speedwell Veronica opaca have been found in this region, but I haven't seen them there.

A field with a magnificent population of Downy Hemp-Nettle Galeopsis segetum can be found near Herzhausen north of Gladenbach.
Galeopsis segetum, Downy Hemp-Nettle
Galeopsis segetum / Downy Hemp-Nettle
Lamiaceae / Mint Fam.  

Naturally this list isn't complete. It will be continued on occasion.  


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