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Photos of Fruits and Seed of European Plants acc. to Plant Names
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In front of the names of the plants there are symbols for the color(s) of the fruit or seed.

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Species, Subspecies, or Variety  Family  Photos from
    Abutilon theophrasti / Velvet Leaf, Indian Mallow Malvaceae / Mallow Fam. D I
    Acanthus spinosus / Spiny Bear's Breech Acanthaceae / Acanthus Fam. GR
Acer / Maple,Elder (4) Sapindaceae / Golden-Rain Tree Fam.
Aconitum / Monk's-Hood (2) Ranunculaceae / Buttercup Fam.
    Actaea spicata / Baneberry Ranunculaceae / Buttercup Fam. A D HR
    Actinidia chinensis var. deliciosa / Kiwi Fruit, Chinese Gooseberry Actinidiaceae / Kiwi Fam. D
Adonis / Pheasant's Eye (3) Ranunculaceae / Buttercup Fam.
Aethusa / Fool's Parsley (2) Apiaceae / Umbellifers
       Agrimonia eupatoria / Agrimony Rosaceae / Rose Fam. D HR
       Agrostemma githago / Corn Cockle Caryophyllaceae / Campion Fam. D F GR
    Ailanthus altissima / Tree of Heaven Simaroubaceae / Tree-of-Heaven Fam. D HR
Allium / Garlic,Leek (7) Amaryllidaceae / Amaryllis Fam.
       Alnus glutinosa / Alder Betulaceae / Birch Fam. D
       Alyssoides utriculata / Tinkerbells Brassicaceae / Crucifers HR
Alyssum / Alison,Madwort (2) Brassicaceae / Crucifers
       Amaranthus rudis / Water Hemp Amaranthaceae / Amaranth Fam. D
Amelanchier / Service Berry (2) Rosaceae / Rose Fam.
       Ammi majus / Bullwort Apiaceae / Umbellifers D
    Amorpha fruticosa / Desert False Indigo Fabaceae / Legumes D
    Anacyclus clavatus / White Buttons Asteraceae / Composite Fam. F GR
       Anagyris foetida / Mediterranean Stinkbush, Stinking Bean Trefoil Fabaceae / Legumes Chi GR Rho
    Androsace maxima / Annual Rock Jasmine Primulaceae / Primrose Fam. D
Anemone / Anemone (6) Ranunculaceae / Buttercup Fam.
Angelica / Angelica (2) Apiaceae / Umbellifers
Anthericum / St. Bernard's Lily (2) Asparagacae / Asparagus Fam.
Anthriscus / Chervil,Parsley (2) Apiaceae / Umbellifers
       Antirrhinum majus / Snapdragon Plantaginaceae / Plantain Fam. D E F GR HR I Rho Sam
       Apium nodiflorum / Fool's Water-Cress Apiaceae / Umbellifers D F NL
Arabis / Rock-Cress (5) Brassicaceae / Crucifers
    Aralia elata / Japanese Angelica Tree Araliaceae / Ivy Fam. D
    Araujia sericifera / Moth Catcher, White Bladderflower Apocynaceae / Periwinkle Fam. E
Arbutus / Strawberry Tree (2) Ericaceae / Heather Fam.
       Arenaria leptoclados / Lesser Thyme-Leaved Sandwort Caryophyllaceae / Campion Fam. D E F Rho
       Arisarum vulgare / Friar's Cowl Araceae / Arum Fam. F I Kre Mal Rho Zyp
       Aristolochia clematitis / Birthwort Aristolochiaceae / Birthwort Fam. A D F HR
    Armeria maritima subsp. halleri / Calaminarian Thrift Plumbaginaceae / Thrift Fam. D
Arum / Arum (2) Araceae / Arum Fam.
       Aruncus dioicus / Goat's Beard Rosaceae / Rose Fam. A D F HR SLO
    Asarina procumbens / Trailing Snapdragon Plantaginaceae / Plantain Fam. F
Asparagus / Asparagus (2) Asparagacae / Asparagus Fam.
Asphodelus / Asphodel (3) Asphodelaceae / Asphodel Fam.
    Asplenium trichomanes s.l. / Spleenwort Aspleniaceae / Spleenwort Fern Fam. D E F GR HR I IRL S
Astragalus / Milk-Vetch (10) Fabaceae / Legumes
Atriplex / Orache (2) Amaranthaceae / Amaranth Fam.
    Atropa bella-donna / Deadly Nightshade Solanaceae / Nightshade Fam. A D HR
       Aubrieta deltoidea / Purple Rock Cress Brassicaceae / Crucifers Chi D GR Les Sam
Aurinia / Alison (2) Brassicaceae / Crucifers
       Barbarea intermedia / Medium-Flowered Winter Cress Brassicaceae / Crucifers D F
Berberis / Barberry (4) Berberidaceae / Barberry Fam.
       Berteroa incana / Hoary Alyssum Brassicaceae / Crucifers D PL
Bidens / Beggartick,Marigold (3) Asteraceae / Composite Fam.
Biscutella / Buckler Mustard (4) Brassicaceae / Crucifers
    Bistorta vivipara / Alpine Bistort Polygonaceae / Knotweed Fam. A And D E F I SLO
    Bituminaria bituminosa / Pitch Trefoil Fabaceae / Legumes Chi F GR I Mal Rho Ten
       Blackstonia acuminata / Late Yellow-Wort Gentianaceae / Gentian Fam. D GR HR NL
Blitum / Goosefoot (2) Amaranthaceae / Amaranth Fam.
    Bolboschoenus maritimus / Sea Club-Rush Cyperaceae / Sedge Fam. A D DK NL S
       Brachychiton populneus / White-Flower Kurrajong, Black Kurrajong Malvaceae / Mallow Fam. GR
Brassica / Cabbage,Mustard (3) Brassicaceae / Crucifers
Bromus / Brome (2) Poaceae / Grass Fam.
Bryonia / Bryony (2) Cucurbitaceae / Cucumber Fam.
    Buglossoides arvensis subsp. arvensis / Field Gromwell Boraginaceae / Borrage Fam. D F GR HR S
Bunias / Warty Cabbage (2) Brassicaceae / Crucifers
Bupleurum / Hare's Ear,Thorough-Wax (2) Apiaceae / Umbellifers
       Buxus sempervirens / Boxtree Buxaceae / Box Fam. D E F
       Cakile maritima / Sea Rocket Brassicaceae / Crucifers D F GR IRL Les NL Rho S Zyp
Calendula / Marigold (2) Asteraceae / Composite Fam.
Calicotome / Thorny Broom (2) Fabaceae / Legumes
       Calla palustris / Bog Arum Araceae / Arum Fam. CH D S
    Calluna vulgaris / Heather Ericaceae / Heather Fam. D E F I IRL
       Caltha palustris / Marsh Marigold Ranunculaceae / Buttercup Fam. A D
       Calystegia sepium / Hedge Bindweed Convolvulaceae / Bindweed Fam. D F NL
Camelina / Gold of Pleasure (2) Brassicaceae / Crucifers
Campanula / Bellflower (2) Campanulaceae / Bellflower Fam.
       Capparis spinosa var. canescens / Sicilian Caper Capparaceae / Caper Fam. GR
       Caragana arborescens / Siberian Pea-Tree Fabaceae / Legumes D
Cardamine / Bitter-Cress,Cuckooflower (5) Brassicaceae / Crucifers
    Carduus defloratus / Alpine Thistle Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A D F HR I
Carex / Sedge (9) Cyperaceae / Sedge Fam.
       Carica papaya / Papaw, Papaya Caricaceae / Papaya Fam. D Ten
       Carpobrotus edulis / Hottentot Fig, Cape Fig Aizoazeae / Ice Plant Fam. Cor F
       Carum carvi / Caraway Apiaceae / Umbellifers A D E F I S
       Castanea sativa / Sweet Chestnut Fagaceae / Beech Fam. D E HR
    Catalpa bignonioides / Common Catalpa, Indian Bean Tree Bignoniaceae / Catalpa Fam. D
    Catananche caerulea / Blue Cupidone Asteraceae / Composite Fam. E F
       Caucalis platycarpos / Small Bur Parsley Apiaceae / Umbellifers A D Les
       Cedrus libani / Cedar of Lebanon Pinaceae / Pine Fam. D I Sam
    Celastrus orbiculatus / Staff Vine Celastraceae / Spindle Fam. D
Celtis / Hackberry,Nettle Tree (2) Cannabaceae / Hop Fam.
Centaurea / Knapweed,Star Thistle (2) Asteraceae / Composite Fam.
       Centaurium erythraea / Common Centaury Gentianaceae / Gentian Fam. D F GR HR I S
       Cerastium dubium / Mouse-Ear Caryophyllaceae / Campion Fam. D
       Ceratonia siliqua / Carob Fabaceae / Legumes GR HR Kre Mal Rho Zyp
       Cercis siliquastrum / Judas Tree Fabaceae / Legumes D F GR I Kre Les Mal Rho Sam
    Cerinthe minor / Lesser Honeywort Boraginaceae / Borrage Fam. A D F GR HR
Chaerophyllum / Chervil (3) Apiaceae / Umbellifers
Chamaesyce / Spurge (3) Euphorbiaceae / Spurge Fam.
       Chelidonium majus / Greater Celandine Papaveraceae / Poppy Fam. D F
    Chimaphila umbellata / Pipsissewa Ericaceae / Heather Fam. D PL
       Chondrilla juncea / Rush Skeletonweed Asteraceae / Composite Fam. D E F GR I
    Chrysosplenium alternifolium / Alternate-Leaved Golden-Saxifrage Saxifragaceae / Saxifrage Fam. A D F HR
    Cicendia filiformis / Slender Cicendia, Yellow Centaury Gentianaceae / Gentian Fam. D
       Cicer arietinum / Chick-Pea Fabaceae / Legumes Chi D S
       Cicuta virosa / Cowbane, Water Hemlock Apiaceae / Umbellifers D
Circaea / Enchanter's Nightshade (3) Onagraceae / Willowherb Fam.
Cirsium / Thistle (5) Asteraceae / Composite Fam.
Cistus / Rock-Rose,Cistus (3) Cistaceae / Rockrose Fam.
Citrullus / Water Melon (2) Cucurbitaceae / Cucumber Fam.
Citrus / Citrus Fruit (4) Rutaceae / Rue Fam.
Clematis / Clematis (4) Ranunculaceae / Buttercup Fam.
       Clerodendrum trichotomum / Harlequin Glory Bower, Chance Tree Lamiaceae / Mint Fam. D
    Clinopodium alpinum / Alpine Calamint Lamiaceae / Mint Fam. A And E F HR I SLO
       Clypeola jonthlaspi / Disk Cress Brassicaceae / Crucifers GR
       Cneorum tricoccon / Spurge Olive Rutaceae / Rue Fam. F GR Mal
       Cnidium dubium / Cnidium dubium Apiaceae / Umbellifers D
Cochlearia / Scurvy-Grass (2) Brassicaceae / Crucifers
       Colchicum autumnale / Meadow Saffron, Autumn Crocus Colchicaceae / Autumn Crocus Fam. A D F I
       Colutea arborescens / Bladder Senna Fabaceae / Legumes D GR HR
       Conium maculatum / Hemlock Apiaceae / Umbellifers D DK
       Conringia austriaca / Hare's Ear Brassicaceae / Crucifers I
       Convallaria majalis / Lily of the Valley Asparagacae / Asparagus Fam. D
       Coriandrum sativum / Coriander Seeds, Cilandro Apiaceae / Umbellifers D F S
       Coriaria myrtifolia / Myrtle-Leaved Coriaria, Currier's Sumach Coriariaceae / Coriaria Fam. F
Cornus / Dogwood (3) Cornaceae / Dogwood Fam.
Coronilla / Scorpion Vetch,Crownvetch (2) Fabaceae / Legumes
Corydalis / Corydalis (2) Papaveraceae / Poppy Fam.
Corylus / Hazel (2) Betulaceae / Birch Fam.
       Cotinus coggygria / Smoke Tree Anacardiaceae / Sumach Fam. GR HR I
Cotoneaster / Cotoneaster (4) Rosaceae / Rose Fam.
       Crambe maritima / Sea Kale Brassicaceae / Crucifers D NL S
Crataegus / Hawthorn (4) Rosaceae / Rose Fam.
Crepis / Hawk's-Beard (6) Asteraceae / Composite Fam.
Crocus / Crocus (2) Iridaceae / Iris Fam.
    Crupina crupinastrum / False Saw Wort Asteraceae / Composite Fam. Cor GR HR Les
    Cucumis melo / Musk Melon Cucurbitaceae / Cucumber Fam. D
    Cucurbita pepo / Marrow Cucurbitaceae / Cucumber Fam. D I
    Cupressus sempervirens var. pyramidalis / Italian Cypress Cupressaceae / Cypresse Fam. GR I
Cuscuta / Dodder (2) Convolvulaceae / Bindweed Fam.
    Cyclamen purpurascens / Cyclamen Primulaceae / Primrose Fam. A D HR I SLO
    Cydonia oblonga / Quince Rosaceae / Rose Fam. D Les
Cynoglossum / Hound's-Tongue (2) Boraginaceae / Borrage Fam.
       Cytisophyllum sessilifolium / Sessile-Leaved Tick Trefoil Fabaceae / Legumes F I
Cytisus / Broom (4) Fabaceae / Legumes
    Daphne mezereum / Mezereon Thymelaeaceae / Daphne Fam. A D E F HR I SLO
Datura / Thorn Apple (2) Solanaceae / Nightshade Fam.
Daucus / Carrot (2) Apiaceae / Umbellifers
Delphinium / Larkspur (3) Ranunculaceae / Buttercup Fam.
    Deutzia scabra / Fuzzy Deutzia Hydrangeaceae / Hydrangea Fam. D
Dianthus / Pink (3) Caryophyllaceae / Campion Fam.
       Dictamnus albus / Burning Bush Rutaceae / Rue Fam. A D HR
       Digitalis purpurea / Foxgloves Plantaginaceae / Plantain Fam. Cor D E F IRL S
    Diospyros kaki / Kaki Persimmon, Japanese Persimmon Ebenaceae / Ebony Fam. D HR I
       Dipcadi serotinum / Dipcadi, Brown Bluebell Asparagacae / Asparagus Fam. E F
    Dipsacus strigosus / Yellow-Flowered Teasel Caprifoliaceae / Honeysuckle Fam. D
       Dittrichia graveolens / Stinking Fleabane Asteraceae / Composite Fam. D GR
       Doronicum cataractarum / Cataract Leopard's-Bane Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A
Draba / Whitlowgrass (4) Brassicaceae / Crucifers
       Draba aizoides / Yellow Whitlowgrass Brassicaceae / Crucifers A D F I
       Draba aspera / Rough-Leaved Whitlowgrass Brassicaceae / Crucifers A
       Draba glabrescens / Glabrous Whitlowgrass Brassicaceae / Crucifers D
    Draba verna agg. / Common Whitlowgrass Brassicaceae / Crucifers D F GR I Kre Mal Rho
    Dracunculus vulgaris / Voodoo Lily Araceae / Arum Fam. GR Kre Rho
       Drosera rotundifolia / Round-Leaved Sundew Droseraceae / Sundew Fam. D S
       Dryas octopetala / Mountain Avens Rosaceae / Rose Fam. A I IRL
    Ecballium elaterium / Squirting Cucumber Cucurbitaceae / Cucumber Fam. F GR HR Mal
       Echinocystis lobata / Mock Cucumber Cucurbitaceae / Cucumber Fam. D SLO
    Elaeagnus angustifolia / Narrow-Leaved Oleaster, Russian Olive Elaeagnaceae / Sea-Buckthorn Fam. A D F
    Elatine alsinastrum / Whorled Waterwort Elatinaceae / Waterwort Fam. D
    Empetrum nigrum / Crow Berry Ericaceae / Heather Fam. A CH D S
Ephedra / Joint Pine (2) Ephedraceae / Joint Pine Fam.
Epilobium / Willowherb (7) Onagraceae / Willowherb Fam.
    Eranthis hyemalis / Winter Aconite Ranunculaceae / Buttercup Fam. D
Erigeron / Fleabane (3) Asteraceae / Composite Fam.
Erodium / Stork's-Bill (4) Geraniaceae / Crane's-Bill Fam.
       Eruca vesicaria / Garden Rocket Brassicaceae / Crucifers D F GR HR Rho Tun
       Erucaria hispanica / Spanish Pink Mustard Brassicaceae / Crucifers Rho
    Ervum tetraspermum / Smooth Tare Fabaceae / Legumes D GR I
Erysimum / Treacle Mustard,Wallflower (2) Brassicaceae / Crucifers
       Erythronium dens-canis / Dog's Tooth Violet Liliaceae / Lily Fam. I
       Eucalyptus globulus / Blue Gum Myrtaceae / Myrtle Fam. Cor GR Mal
Euonymus / Spindle (4) Celastraceae / Spindle Fam.
    Eupatorium cannabinum / Hemp Agrimony Asteraceae / Composite Fam. D E HR IRL NL
Euphorbia / Spurge (4) Euphorbiaceae / Spurge Fam.
Fagopyrum / Buckwheat (2) Polygonaceae / Knotweed Fam.
    Fagus sylvatica / Beech Fagaceae / Beech Fam. A D F HR I
       Falcaria vulgaris / Longleaf Apiaceae / Umbellifers A D
Fallopia / Bindweed (2) Polygonaceae / Knotweed Fam.
       Ferulago campestris / Field Fennel Apiaceae / Umbellifers HR I SLO
       Fibigia clypeata / Roman Shields Brassicaceae / Crucifers GR
    Ficaria verna / Lesser Celandine Ranunculaceae / Buttercup Fam. A D HR Rho
    Ficus carica / Fig Moraceae / Mulberry Fam. Chi D GR I Kre Mal Rho Ten
    Filago arvensis / Field Cudweed Asteraceae / Composite Fam. D S
Filipendula / Meadowsweet (2) Rosaceae / Rose Fam.
       Foeniculum vulgare / Fennel Apiaceae / Umbellifers D E F GR HR NL
Fragaria / Strawberry (2) Rosaceae / Rose Fam.
Frangula / Buckthorn (2) Rhamnaceae / Buckthorn Fam.
Fraxinus / Ash (2) Oleaceae / Ash Fam.
       Fumaria schleicheri / Schleicher's Fumitory Papaveraceae / Poppy Fam. D
Gagea / Star of Bethlehem (5) Liliaceae / Lily Fam.
    Gaillardia aristata / Common Blanket Flower Asteraceae / Composite Fam. D
Galanthus / Snowdrop (2) Amaryllidaceae / Amaryllis Fam.
       Galega officinalis / Goat's Rue Fabaceae / Legumes A D HR I
    Galeopsis tetrahit / Common Hemp-Nettle Lamiaceae / Mint Fam. A D DK F HR S
Galium / Bedstraw (9) Rubiaceae / Bedstraw Fam.
Genista / Broom (5) Fabaceae / Legumes
    Gentiana cruciata / Cross-Leaved Gentian Gentianaceae / Gentian Fam. D E HR
Geranium / Crane's-Bill (4) Geraniaceae / Crane's-Bill Fam.
Geum / Avens (3) Rosaceae / Rose Fam.
    Ginkgo biloba / Ginkgo Ginkgoaceae / Ginkgo Fam. D
Gladiolus / Gladiolus (2) Iridaceae / Iris Fam.
       Glaucium flavum / Yellow Horned Poppy Papaveraceae / Poppy Fam. Chi Cor D F GR Kre Les NL Rho
    Gleditsia triacanthos / Honey Locust Fabaceae / Legumes D
Globularia / Senna (2) Plantaginaceae / Plantain Fam.
       Glycine max / Soy Bean Fabaceae / Legumes A D S
       Gossypium hirsutum / Cotton ? Malvaceae / Mallow Fam. D
       Gratiola officinalis / Gratiole Plantaginaceae / Plantain Fam. D HR
Gypsophila / Gypsophila,Baby's Breath (2) Caryophyllaceae / Campion Fam.
Hedera / Ivy (2) Araliaceae / Ivy Fam.
       Hedypnois rhagadioloides / Cretan Weed Asteraceae / Composite Fam. D F Mal Rho Sam
       Hedysarum hedysaroides / Alpine Sweetvetch Fabaceae / Legumes A D
    Helianthus annuus / Sunflower Asteraceae / Composite Fam. D
       Helleborus foetidus / Stinking Hellebore Ranunculaceae / Buttercup Fam. D F
       Hepatica nobilis / Liverleaf Ranunculaceae / Buttercup Fam. A D F I
Heracleum / Hogweed (2) Apiaceae / Umbellifers
    Hesperis tristis / Sad Night Violet Brassicaceae / Crucifers A
       Hibiscus trionum / Bladder Ketmia Malvaceae / Mallow Fam. D
Hieracium / Hawkweed (5) Asteraceae / Composite Fam.
Hippocrepis / Horseshoe Vetch,Senna (5) Fabaceae / Legumes
    Hippophae rhamnoides / Sea Buckthorn Elaeagnaceae / Sea-Buckthorn Fam. D NL S
       Hirschfeldia incana / Shortpod Mustard, Buchanweed Brassicaceae / Crucifers A D F GR Kre Rho Sam
    Holosteum umbellatum / Jagged Chickweed Caryophyllaceae / Campion Fam. D Kre Rho
    Homogyne sylvestris / Wood Colt's-Foot Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A HR
       Honckenya peploides / Sea Sandwort Caryophyllaceae / Campion Fam. D IRL S
Hordeum / Barley (2) Poaceae / Grass Fam.
       Hormathophylla pyrenaica / Pyrenean Madwort Brassicaceae / Crucifers F
       Hornungia petraea / Hutchinsia Brassicaceae / Crucifers D F GR
    Humulus lupulus / Hop Cannabaceae / Hop Fam. D E
       Hydrocotyle vulgaris / Marsh Pennywort Araliaceae / Ivy Fam. D F IRL S
       Hyoscyamus niger / Henbane Solanaceae / Nightshade Fam. D S
Hypecoum / Hypecoum (2) Papaveraceae / Poppy Fam.
Hypericum / St. John's-Wort (4) Hypericaceae / St.John's Wort Fam.
Hypochaeris / Cat's-Ear (2) Asteraceae / Composite Fam.
Iberis / Candytuft (2) Brassicaceae / Crucifers
    Ilex aquifolium / Holly Aquifoliaceae / Holly Fam. D E F IRL Mal
Impatiens / Balsam,Touch me not (4) Balsaminaceae / Balsam Fam.
       Indigofera potaninii / Indigo Fabaceae / Legumes D
Iris / Iris (6) Iridaceae / Iris Fam.
       Isatis tinctoria / Woad Brassicaceae / Crucifers A D F
       Isopyrum thalictroides / False Rue Anemone Ranunculaceae / Buttercup Fam. A
Juglans / Walnut (3) Juglandaceae / Walnut Fam.
Juncus / Rush (4) Juncaceae / Rush Fam.
Juniperus / Juniper (3) Cupressaceae / Cypresse Fam.
       Kalmia procumbens / Trailing Azalea, Mountain Mountain Laurel Ericaceae / Heather Fam. A CH F
       Kernera saxatilis / Kernera Brassicaceae / Crucifers A D F
    Koelreuteria paniculata / Golden Rain Tree Sapindaceae / Golden-Rain Tree Fam. D
    Kolkwitzia amabilis / Beauty Bush Caprifoliaceae / Honeysuckle Fam. D
       Laburnum alpinum / Alpine Golden Chain, Scottish Golden Chain Fabaceae / Legumes D F HR I
Lactuca / Lettuce (5) Asteraceae / Composite Fam.
    Lamium montanum / Mountain Yellow Archangel Lamiaceae / Mint Fam. A D F HR
       Lappula squarrosa / Bur Forget-me-not, European Stickseed Boraginaceae / Borrage Fam. A D E
Larix / Larch (2) Pinaceae / Pine Fam.
       Laser trilobum / Gladich Apiaceae / Umbellifers D
Laserpitium / Sermountain (4) Apiaceae / Umbellifers
Lathyrus / Vetchling,Pea (10) Fabaceae / Legumes
       Leiotulus aureus / Golden Hogweed Apiaceae / Umbellifers GR
       Leontice leontopetalum / Rakaf Berberidaceae / Barberry Fam. Rho
Leontodon / Hawkbit (2) Asteraceae / Composite Fam.
       Leonurus marrubiastrum / Horehound Motherwort, Biennial Motherwort Lamiaceae / Mint Fam. D
Lepidium / Pepperwort,Pepperweed (6) Brassicaceae / Crucifers
       Leucojum aestivum / Summer Snowflake Amaryllidaceae / Amaryllis Fam. F Mal Sar
       Levisticum officinale / Lovage Apiaceae / Umbellifers Cor D S
    Ligustrum vulgare / Wild Privet Oleaceae / Ash Fam. A D F I
       Lilium martagon / Turkscap Lily Liliaceae / Lily Fam. A CH D F HR S
       Limosella aquatica / Water Mudwort Scrophulariaceae / Figwort Fam. D S
       Linaria dalmatica / Dalmatian Toadflax Plantaginaceae / Plantain Fam. D
Linum / Flax (5) Linaceae / Linseed Fam.
       Liquidambar styraciflua / Sweet Gum Tree Altingiaceae / Sweet-Gum Tree Fam. D F
       Liriodendron tulipifera / American Tulip Tree Magnoliaceae / Magnolia Fam. D
    Lithospermum purpurocaeruleum / Purple Gromwell Boraginaceae / Borrage Fam. A D F HR
       Lobularia maritima / Sweet Alison Brassicaceae / Crucifers Cor D F HR I Mal
Lonicera / Honeysuckle (8) Caprifoliaceae / Honeysuckle Fam.
Lotus / Bird's-Foot Trefoil (11) Fabaceae / Legumes
       Lunaria annua / Honesty Brassicaceae / Crucifers D
Lupinus / Lupin (2) Fabaceae / Legumes
    Lycium chinense / China Tea-Plant Solanaceae / Nightshade Fam. D
    Lycopsis arvensis subsp. arvensis / Bugloss Boraginaceae / Borrage Fam. D F
Lysimachia / Loosestrife (5) Primulaceae / Primrose Fam.
       Lythrum salicaria / Purple Loosestrife Lythraceae / Purple Loosestrife Fam. D GR IRL S
    Mahonia aquifolium / Shining Oregon Grape, Tall Oregon Grape Berberidaceae / Barberry Fam. D
       Maianthemum bifolium / May Lily, False Lily of the Valley Asparagacae / Asparagus Fam. A D F S
Malus / Apple (3) Rosaceae / Rose Fam.
Malva / Mallow (3) Malvaceae / Mallow Fam.
       Mandragora officinarum / Mandrake Solanaceae / Nightshade Fam. D GR Kre Rho Sam Zyp
    Marsilea quadrifolia / Four-Leaf Clover, Shamrock Plant Marsileaceae / Water Clover Fam. D F
       Meconopsis cambrica / Welsh Poppy Papaveraceae / Poppy Fam. D E F
Medicago / Medick (12) Fabaceae / Legumes
    Melampyrum pratense / Common Cow-Wheat Orobanchaceae / Broomrape Fam. A D F PL
    Melia azedarach / China Berry, Bead Tree Meliaceae / Mahogany Fam. Cor Les
Melilotus / Melilot (5) Fabaceae / Legumes
       Menyanthes trifoliata / Bogbean Menyanthaceae / Bogbean Fam. A D I
       Mercurialis perennis / Dog's Mercury Euphorbiaceae / Spurge Fam. A D HR I
    Mespilus germanica / Medlar Rosaceae / Rose Fam. D
Microthlaspi / Penny-Cress (2) Brassicaceae / Crucifers
    Mirabilis jalapa / Marvel of Peru Nyctaginaceae / Marvel-of-Peru Fam. D E GR I
    Miscanthus sacchariflorus / Amur Silver Grass Poaceae / Grass Fam. D
    Misopates orontium / Weasel's-Snout, Lesser Snapdragon Plantaginaceae / Plantain Fam. Cor D F I Kre Mal Pal Rho
       Moenchia erecta / Upright Chickweed Caryophyllaceae / Campion Fam. D
       Molopospermum peloponnesiacum / Striped Hemlock Apiaceae / Umbellifers F I
Morus / Mulberry (2) Moraceae / Mulberry Fam.
Muscari / Grape Hyacinth (5) Asparagacae / Asparagus Fam.
       Myagrum perfoliatum / Mitre Cress, Bird's-Eye Cress Brassicaceae / Crucifers HR
       Mycelis muralis / Wall Lettuce Asteraceae / Composite Fam. CH D F HR
    Myrrhis odorata / Sweet Cicely Apiaceae / Umbellifers F HR I S SLO
    Myrtus communis / Myrtle Myrtaceae / Myrtle Fam. Cor D GR HR I
Narcissus / Narcissus,Daffodil (2) Amaryllidaceae / Amaryllis Fam.
    Narthecium ossifragum / Bog Asphodel Nartheciaceae / Bog Asphodel Fam. D F GB IRL
       Nepeta x faassenii / Catmint Lamiaceae / Mint Fam. D
       Nerium oleander / Oleander, Rose Bay Apocynaceae / Periwinkle Fam. D GR Kre Les Rho
       Neslia paniculata / Ball Mustard Brassicaceae / Crucifers A D
       Nicandra physalodes / Apple of Peru Solanaceae / Nightshade Fam. D
       Nigella damascena / Love in a Mist, Devil in a Bush Ranunculaceae / Buttercup Fam. D F GR HR I Siz
       Noccaea praecox / Early Penny-Cress Brassicaceae / Crucifers A HR
Oenanthe / Water Dropwort (2) Apiaceae / Umbellifers
       Oenothera fallax / Intermediate Evening Primrose Onagraceae / Willowherb Fam. D
Olea / Olive (2) Oleaceae / Ash Fam.
       Omphalodes scorpioides / Navelwort Boraginaceae / Borrage Fam. A D
Onobrychis / Sainfoin (3) Fabaceae / Legumes
       Onoclea sensibilis / Sensible Fern Onocleaceae / Ostrich Fern Fam. D
Ononis / Restharrow (4) Fabaceae / Legumes
    Opopanax hispidus / Hispid Sweet Myrrh Apiaceae / Umbellifers GR Sam
Opuntia / Prickly Pear (2) Cactaceae / Cactus Fam.
       Orlaya daucorlaya / Carrot Orlaya Apiaceae / Umbellifers GR
Ornithogalum / Star of Bethlehem (2) Asparagacae / Asparagus Fam.
Ornithopus / Bird's-Foot (2) Fabaceae / Legumes
    Osyris alba / Poet's Cassia Santalaceae / Sandalwood Fam. F GR HR I
Oxalis / Sorrel (3) Oxalidaceae / Wood-Sorrel Fam.
Oxytropis / Milk-Vetch,Oxytropis (5) Fabaceae / Legumes
Paeonia / Peony (3) Paeoniaceae / Peony Fam.
       Paliurus spina-christi / Christ's Thorn Rhamnaceae / Buckthorn Fam. GR HR I
    Pancratium maritimum / Sea Daffodil Amaryllidaceae / Amaryllis Fam. F Les Rho
Panicum / Millet (3) Poaceae / Grass Fam.
Papaver / Poppy (6) Papaveraceae / Poppy Fam.
    Paris quadrifolia / Herb Paris Melanthiaceae / False Helleborine Fam. A D PL
    Parkinsonia aculeata / Mexican Palo Verde, Jerusalem Thorn Fabaceae / Legumes GR
       Parnassia palustris / Grass of Parnassus Parnassiaceae / Gras of Parnassus Fam. A CH D E F NL S
    Parthenocissus inserta / False Virginia Creeper Vitaceae / Grape-Vine Fam. D I
    Passiflora caerulea / Blue Passion Flower Passifloraceae / Passion Flower Fam. D F I
       Pastinaca sativa / Parsnip Apiaceae / Umbellifers D GR HR
    Paulownia tomentosa / Princess Tree, Foxglove Tree Paulowniaceae / Foxglove Tree Fam. D F
Pedicularis / Lousewort (3) Orobanchaceae / Broomrape Fam.
       Peltaria alliacea / Garlic Cress Brassicaceae / Crucifers A HR
Pentanema / Fleabane (3) Asteraceae / Composite Fam.
       Petasites albus / White Butterbur Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A D F HR I
       Petrorhagia saxifraga / Tunic Flower Caryophyllaceae / Campion Fam. A Cor D F GR HR I
       Petroselinum crispum / Parsley Apiaceae / Umbellifers D I S
Peucedanum / Parsley,Hog's Fennel (5) Apiaceae / Umbellifers
    Phagnalon graecum / Eastern Phagnalon Asteraceae / Composite Fam. Chi GR Kre Les Rho
    Phalaris canariensis / Canary Grass Poaceae / Grass Fam. D
Phillyrea / Phillyrea (2) Oleaceae / Ash Fam.
       Phleum pratense / Timothy Grass Poaceae / Grass Fam. A D E
       Phlomis fruticosa / Jerusalem Sage Lamiaceae / Mint Fam. D GR Kre
    Phoenix theophrasti / Cretan Date Palm Arecaceae / Palm Fam. Kre
Physalis / Gooseberry (2) Solanaceae / Nightshade Fam.
       Physocarpus opulifolius / Common Ninebark Rosaceae / Rose Fam. D
       Physospermum verticillatum / Whorled Bladderseed Apiaceae / Umbellifers HR
       Phyteuma spicatum / Spiked Rampion Campanulaceae / Bellflower Fam. A D F HR
Phytolacca / Pokeberry (2) Phytolaccaceae / Pokeweed Fam.
    Picea omorika / Serbian Spruce Pinaceae / Pine Fam. D
Picris / Ox-Tongue (2) Asteraceae / Composite Fam.
       Pimpinella major / Greater Burnet Saxifrage Apiaceae / Umbellifers A D E F I
Pinus / Pine (4) Pinaceae / Pine Fam.
    Pistacia terebinthus / Terebinth Anacardiaceae / Sumach Fam. E F GR HR
       Pittosporum tobira / Japanese Cheesewood Pittosporaceae / Pittosporum Fam. Cor GR I
    Plantago arenaria / Branched Plantain Plantaginaceae / Plantain Fam. D F
Platanus / Plane-Tree (2) Platanaceae / Plane Tree Fam.
       Platycladus orientalis / Oriental Arbor-Vitae Cupressaceae / Cypresse Fam. D I
       Pleurospermum austriacum / Austrian Pleurospermum Apiaceae / Umbellifers A D HR
    Plocama calabrica / Stinking Madder Rubiaceae / Bedstraw Fam. GR
       Polygonatum multiflorum / Solomon's Seal Asparagacae / Asparagus Fam. D HR
Populus / Poplar (2) Salicaceae / Willow Fam.
    Portulaca granulatostellulata / Granulate-Stellate Purslane Portulacaceae / Purslane Fam. D
       Potamogeton perfoliatus / Perfoliate Pontweed Potamogetonaceae / Pontweed Fam. D HR
Potentilla / Cinquefoil (3) Rosaceae / Rose Fam.
       Prenanthes purpurea / Purple Lettuce Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A D HR SLO
Primula / Primrose (2) Primulaceae / Primrose Fam.
Prunus / Drupes (15) Rosaceae / Rose Fam.
    Pseudotsuga menziesii / Douglas Fir Pinaceae / Pine Fam. D
       Pteroselinum rablense / Raibl Hog's Fennel Apiaceae / Umbellifers I
Pulsatilla / Pasque-Flower (2) Ranunculaceae / Buttercup Fam.
    Punica granatum / Pomegranate Lythraceae / Purple Loosestrife Fam. Chi D GR HR I Mal
       Puschkinia scilloides / Russian Snowdrop Asparagacae / Asparagus Fam. D
    Pyracantha coccinea agg. / Firethorn Rosaceae / Rose Fam. D
Pyrola / Wintergreen (2) Ericaceae / Heather Fam.
Pyrus / Pear (3) Rosaceae / Rose Fam.
Quercus / Oak (6) Fagaceae / Beech Fam.
       Radiola linoides / Allseed Linaceae / Linseed Fam. D F
Ranunculus / Buttercup (9) Ranunculaceae / Buttercup Fam.
Raphanus / Radish (3) Brassicaceae / Crucifers
       Rapistrum rugosum / Bastard Cabbage Brassicaceae / Crucifers A Cor F HR Rho Sam
Reseda / Mignonette (3) Resedaceae / Mignonette Fam.
       Rhagadiolus stellatus / Star Hawk-Bit Asteraceae / Composite Fam. Les Mal Rho
Rhamnus / Buckthorn (2) Rhamnaceae / Buckthorn Fam.
    Rhaphiolepis bibas / Loquat Rosaceae / Rose Fam. I Les Mal
       Rheum rhabarbarum / Rhubarb Polygonaceae / Knotweed Fam. D S
    Rhodiola rosea / Golden Root, Roseroot Crassulaceae / Stonecrop Fam. A HR
       Rhododendron tomentosum / Labrador Tea Ericaceae / Heather Fam. D S
       Rhodotypos scandens / Jetbead Rosaceae / Rose Fam. D
Rhus / Sumach (2) Anacardiaceae / Sumach Fam.
Ribes / Currant (5) Grossulariaceae / Gooseberry Fam.
    Ricinus communis / Castor Oil-Plant Euphorbiaceae / Spurge Fam. GR Kre Rho Ten
       Ricotia cretica / Ricotia Brassicaceae / Crucifers Kre
    Robinia pseudoacacia / False Acacia Fabaceae / Legumes D
Rorippa / Yellow-Cress (3) Brassicaceae / Crucifers
Rosa / Rose (16) Rosaceae / Rose Fam.
Rubia / Madder (2) Rubiaceae / Bedstraw Fam.
Rubus / Bramble (5) Rosaceae / Rose Fam.
Rumex / Dock,Sorrel (7) Polygonaceae / Knotweed Fam.
Ruscus / Butcher's Broom (2) Asparagacae / Asparagus Fam.
       Ruta chalepensis / Egyptian Rue Rutaceae / Rue Fam. E Kre Les Rho
    Sagina procumbens / Procumbent Pearlwort Caryophyllaceae / Campion Fam. A D F NL S
       Sagittaria sagittifolia / Arrowhead Alismataceae / Water Plantain Fam. D F
Salix / Willow (3) Salicaceae / Willow Fam.
       Salsola kali subsp. ruthenica / Russian Thistle, Glasswort Amaranthaceae / Amaranth Fam. D
Sambucus / Elder (3) Viburnaceae / Muskroot Fam.
       Samolus valerandi / Brookweed Primulaceae / Primrose Fam. Cor D F GR NL
       Sanguisorba minor / Salad Burnet Rosaceae / Rose Fam. Chi D GR HR Sam
       Sanicula europaea / Sanicle Apiaceae / Umbellifers A D F
       Saponaria officinalis / Soapwort Caryophyllaceae / Campion Fam. D F HR PL S
    Saxifraga granulata / Meadow Saxifrage Saxifragaceae / Saxifrage Fam. D E F I
Scabiosa / Scabious (2) Caprifoliaceae / Honeysuckle Fam.
       Scandix pecten-veneris / Shepherd's Needle Apiaceae / Umbellifers D F GR HR Mal Rho
       Scheuchzeria palustris / Rannoch Rush, Marsh Scheuchzeria Scheuchzeriaceae / Rannoch Rush Fam. D S
Scilla / Squill (6) Asparagacae / Asparagus Fam.
Scorzonera / Viper's Grass (4) Asteraceae / Composite Fam.
    Scorzoneroides autumnalis / Autumn Hawkbit, Fall Dandelion Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A D F IRL
Scrophularia / Figwort (3) Scrophulariaceae / Figwort Fam.
Securigera / Hatchet Vetch (2) Fabaceae / Legumes
Sedum / Stonecrop (2) Crassulaceae / Stonecrop Fam.
Selinum / Milk Parsley,Angelica (2) Apiaceae / Umbellifers
Senecio / Ragwort,Groundsel (6) Asteraceae / Composite Fam.
       Sequoiadendron giganteum / Giant Sequoia, Giant Redwood Cupressaceae / Cypresse Fam. D
Seseli / Seseli (3) Apiaceae / Umbellifers
       Sherardia arvensis / Field Madder Rubiaceae / Bedstraw Fam. Cor D E HR Rho
       Sibiraea altaiensis subsp. croatica / Croatian Sibirea Rosaceae / Rose Fam. HR
       Silaum silaus / Pepper Saxifrage Apiaceae / Umbellifers D
Silene / Campion,Catchfly (12) Caryophyllaceae / Campion Fam.
       Sinapis alba / White Mustard Brassicaceae / Crucifers D Rho
Sisymbrium / Rocket (2) Brassicaceae / Crucifers
       Smilax aspera / Rough Bindweed Smilacaceae / Greenbrier Fam. E F GR I Mal
Smyrnium / Alexanders (2) Apiaceae / Umbellifers
Solanum / Nightshade (18) Solanaceae / Nightshade Fam.
       Soldanella pusilla / Dwarf Soldanella, Dwarf Snowbell Primulaceae / Primrose Fam. A CH I
    Solidago gigantea / Giant Goldenrod Asteraceae / Composite Fam. D
Sonchus / Sow-Thistle (3) Asteraceae / Composite Fam.
Sorbus / Whitebeam,Ash (12) Rosaceae / Rose Fam.
       Sorghum bicolor agg. / Great Millet Poaceae / Grass Fam. D
       Spartium junceum / Spanish Broom Fabaceae / Legumes F I Rho Sam
Spergula / Spurrey (3) Caryophyllaceae / Campion Fam.
       Spergularia media / Greater Sea Spurrey Caryophyllaceae / Campion Fam. A D F NL S
       Stachys recta / Yellow Woundwort Lamiaceae / Mint Fam. A D F HR I
       Staphisagria macrosperma / Stavesacre Ranunculaceae / Buttercup Fam. Chi GR Kef Kre
       Staphylea pinnata / Bladdernut Staphyleaceae / Bladdernut Fam. A D HR
Stellaria / Stitchwort,Chickweed (2) Caryophyllaceae / Campion Fam.
       Sternbergia colchiciflora / Slender Sternbergia Amaryllidaceae / Amaryllis Fam. GR
Stipa / Feather-Grass,Needle Grass (2) Poaceae / Grass Fam.
    Streptopus amplexifolius / Twisted Stalk Liliaceae / Lily Fam. D
Suaeda / Sea Blite,Seepweed (2) Amaranthaceae / Amaranth Fam.
Symphoricarpos / Coralberry (2) Caprifoliaceae / Honeysuckle Fam.
Symphyotrichum / Michaelmas Daisy,Aster (2) Asteraceae / Composite Fam.
    Symphytum officinale / Common Comfrey Boraginaceae / Borrage Fam. A D F
    Syringa vulgaris / Lilac Oleaceae / Ash Fam. D
Taraxacum / Dandelion (5) Asteraceae / Composite Fam.
    Taxodium distichum / Bald Cypress Cupressaceae / Cypresse Fam. D
    Taxus baccata / Yew Taxaceae / Yew Fam. D
       Teesdalia nudicaulis / Shepherd's Cress Brassicaceae / Crucifers D F
       Thalictrum aquilegiifolium / French Meadow-Rue Ranunculaceae / Buttercup Fam. A D F HR I
Thlaspi / Penny-Cress,Täschelkraut (3) Brassicaceae / Crucifers
    Thuja plicata / Western Red Cedar, Giant Western Arbor-Vitae Cupressaceae / Cypresse Fam. D
Tilia / Lime (2) Malvaceae / Mallow Fam.
    Tordylium apulum / Mediterranean Hartwort Apiaceae / Umbellifers Chi GR Kre Les Rho Sam
       Torilis arvensis / Spreading Hedge Parsley Apiaceae / Umbellifers Cor D F GR HR I S
Tragopogon / Goat's-Beard,Salsify (3) Asteraceae / Composite Fam.
    Trapa natans / Water Caltrop Lythraceae / Purple Loosestrife Fam. D F
       Tribulus terrestris / Small Caltrops Zygophyllaceae / Caltrop Fam. A D F GR
Trifolium / Clover,Trefoil (5) Fabaceae / Legumes
Triglochin / Arrowgrass (2) Juncaginaceae / Arrowgrass Fam.
       Trigonella balansae / Balansa's Fenugreek Fabaceae / Legumes Chi Kef Les Sam
    Tripolium pannonicum subsp. pannonicum / Sea Aster Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A D
Triticum / Wheat (3) Poaceae / Grass Fam.
       Trollius europaeus / Globe Flower Ranunculaceae / Buttercup Fam. A CH D F HR I S
    Tsuga heterophylla / Western Hemlock Fir Pinaceae / Pine Fam. D
Tulipa / Tulip (2) Liliaceae / Lily Fam.
       Tussilago farfara / Colt's-Foot Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A CH D F GR HR
    Typha minima / Dwarf Bulrush, Miniature Cattail Typhaceae / Bulrush Fam. A
Ulmus / Elm (2) Ulmaceae / Elm Fam.
       Utricularia tenuicaulis / Japanese Bladderwort Lentibulariaceae / Bladderwort Fam. D
Vaccinium / Bilberry,Cranberry (6) Ericaceae / Heather Fam.
Valeriana / Valerian (2) Caprifoliaceae / Honeysuckle Fam.
Valerianella / Corn Salad (2) Caprifoliaceae / Honeysuckle Fam.
Verbascum / Mullein (3) Scrophulariaceae / Figwort Fam.
       Verbena officinalis / Vervain Verbenaceae / Verbena Fam. A Cor D E GR HR I
Veronica / Speedwell (20) Plantaginaceae / Plantain Fam.
Viburnum / Guelder Rose (4) Viburnaceae / Muskroot Fam.
Vicia / Vetch (12) Fabaceae / Legumes
       Vincetoxicum hirundinaria / White Swallow Wort Apocynaceae / Periwinkle Fam. A D HR
Viola / Violet,Pansy (5) Violaceae / Violet Fam.
Viscum / Mistletoe (2) Viscaceae / Mistletoe Fam.
       Vitex agnus-castus / Chaste-Berry Tree Lamiaceae / Mint Fam. D GR HR Kre Zyp
Vitis / Grape (3) Vitaceae / Grape-Vine Fam.
Xanthium / Cocklebur (2) Asteraceae / Composite Fam.
    Zea mays / Maize, Sweetcorn Poaceae / Grass Fam. D

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